
Prior to 1988, staging was made on a clinical basis. This staging system grossly underestimated spread of disease, especially within the lymph nodes. Therefore, surgical staging was initiated so that a more accurate determination of the extent of the disease could be made. Staging now consists of removal of the uterus, both ovaries, and pelvic lymph nodes. Many recent studies have shown that this procedure can be safely and accurately performed using minimally invasive techniques. Dr. Ivy uses this method in nearly all cases.

After complete staging, your gynecologic oncologist will be able to discuss with you the best treatment options.

The stages of endometrial cancer are:

Stage I tumors:
Stage IA: Tumor limited to the lining of the uterus only
Stage IB: Invades the inner half of the muscle of the uterus
Stage IC: Spreads to outer half of the muscle of the uterus

Stage II tumors:
Stage IIA: Involvement of the cervical glands only
Stage IIB: Tumor invades cervical connective tissue

Stage III tumors:
Stage IIIA: Tumor present on the lining of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes
Stage IIIB: Vaginal extension
Stage IIIC: Lymph node extension

Stage IV tumors:
Stage IVA: Tumor invades the bladder and/or bowel wall
Stage IVB: Spreads beyond the pelvis, including lymph nodes in the groin

Overall 5-year survival rates are highly correlated with stage and are as high as 95% for early stage patients.

Overall 5-year survival rates are:

  • Stage I is 90-95%
  • Stage II is 75-80%
  • Stage III is 60-65%
  • Stage IV is 20-25%

Uterine sarcomas are staged in the same way as endometrial cancers.

Learn how endometrial cancer is treated